I’m pretty sure everyone has their ideal vacation all planned out in their heads. There’s always that one place (or more) that you’ve dreamed about visiting or even relocating to. You’ve thought about everything; the ticket price, the things you’ll do for fun, how you’ll dress, the popular spots you’ll hangout in, the tourist sites, the food, everything. A dream vacation is something everyone has on their bucket list (whether we have the money to support that dream or not… lol). 

Forget, for a second, that you don’t have the money yet. Tell me about a few places you’d like to go on vacation. I’ll start. I have two main places I’d love to go on vacation but I’ll talk about one in this part. 


There is just something magical and captivating about this country. Have you ever tried googling South Korea? If you haven’t, do it now. I guarantee that you’d want to just teleport there. There are so many reasons why I want to go there. It also has to do with the fact that it’s a relatively untapped travel destination, unlike other countries which are very popular for tourism. This will give you a chance to truly explore the attraction sites and have a great experience without huge tourist crowds in your way. Besides that, there’s so much more to expect from South Korea.

The captivating history and heritage

The country is rich in history that dates back centuries. There are hundreds of historical sites, temples, palaces and fortresses. If you’re a fan of historical Kdramas, then you definitely know what I’m talking about (And if you’re not a fan, this is your sign to watch Kdramas). You’ll definitely have enough to see and learn about when you visit. Also, entry for most of these attractions are free or very affordable. 

The food

Food plays a huge role in the daily lives of South Koreans. They have amazing restaurants and are famous for their street food. Although I have never tasted Korean food, that stuff looks amazing. Kimchi, Gimbap, Japchae, Ramyeon, JJajangmyeon, Tteokbokki, Samgyeopsal, Kimchi fried chicken, BBQ and so on, all look great on tv shows and Kdramas. You can’t tell me you don’t salivate when a food scene comes on. It’s impossible. They take their food seriously and I can’t wait to try it. 

Coffee Paradise

If you love coffee, you’re in luck. Koreans loveee their coffee. There are cool and “instagrammable” cafes all over where you can just get a cup of delicious coffee and sit to have a chat with a friend. You can also get some work done on your laptop. 

Outdoor and Scenery

Whenever I see posts of people in South Korea, I’m always in awe. The beautiful scenery, the streets, the parks, etc, are all so beautiful and clean. You’ll definitely always be in the mood for pictures. Also, there are a lot of outdoor recreational activities you can try out like hiking, Paintball, Go Cart riding, etc. 

Nightlife Culture

Although it’s true that Koreans work and study hard, they also make sure to have fun in their free time. Most clubs and hotspots usually don’t have a closing time. It doesn’t matter if you have work the next day, you can stay out all night. There is always life outside. Again if you’re a Kdrama fan, you’ve probably watched Itaewon Class and you know what I’m talking about. I mean, they could say goodbye and leave work, then hit like three spots before actually going home and be at work again the next day.

Beauty and shopping

Korea is known worldwide for their beauty products, thanks to Kpop idols and actors. You could visit beauty supply stores or maybe get a facial or hair treatment. Koreans are also known for their amazing fashion sense. I mean, have you seen what they wear? Even if you aren’t into Kdrama or Kpop, at least you must’ve seen Korean fashion on Instagram, Pinterest or Tiktok. And with the way Kpop has become famous almost throughout the world (BTS Paved the way), there is absolutely no way you haven’t seen a picture of a kpop idol, even if you don’t know who they are. You can visit malls and stores and just spoil yourself. 


Korea is a safe country. It mostly has to do with the fact that most people are respectful of other people and their belongings. You don’t have to worry about leaving your stuff unattended in a public place because, honestly, no one will touch your stuff. They just mind their business. Also, because of the nighttime culture, you can walk at night and not be scared. However, it’s still advisable not to walk alone because, let’s face it, no matter where you are, there’ll always be creeps. 


What are the chances of meeting your favourite Kpop idol or Korean celebrity? Obviously I’ve never been to Korea, but I’d say slim to none. You may get to see them if there’s a concert or something but it’s not like you’d bump into them on the street (what in the wattpad is that?). Even if you happen to see them once, it doesn’t mean you’ll be able to walk up to them and talk to them and make them fall in love with you. So, if that is the reason you want to visit South Korea, this is what I have to say about that.

Of course, there are a lot more reasons I can’t think of right now, so feel free to add yours. Also, I tried my best to add pictures but pardon me if the pictures don’t really do justice.

Have you ever been to South Korea? Kindly share your experience with me. 

Published by victoriablacksnotsosecretdiary

I’m a Psychology graduate who loves to write anything, from blogs to recipes. I’m gonna use this platform to share my poems, thoughts and feelings, lifestyle, skincare tips, and hobbies with you.

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